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FAQ List
  • 1.購物流程說明

    第一次購物:選擇商品>>加入購物車>>結帳時請點選上方購物車>>選擇結帳方式>>填寫正確會員資料(自動加入會員)>> 完成購物
    非第一次購物:登入會員>>選擇商品>>加入購物車>>選擇結帳方式>> 完成購物
    ※ 提醒您,商品加入購物車但未結帳前,並無保留商品庫存功能,商品庫存分配將以結帳順序為依據。
  • 2.我想購買的商品數量不足?

  • 3.如何修改個人資料及密碼?

    ✪ 貼心提醒:您可由此變更登入的密碼、會員資料及連絡電話;若訂購時需變更收件資訊,也可於輸入訂單資訊時更改喔 ✪

  • 4.目前提供哪些付款方式?

    1. 『信用卡』付款宅配到府 ( 僅限台灣地區發行之VISA、Master Card、JCB信用卡 )。
    2. 『銀行匯款』宅配到府。

    (附註) 為提供更穩定安全的購物環境,本系統是透過國泰世華銀行線上刷卡系統直接串接,採取更高標準的作業流程。刷卡過程您的卡號全程加密,相關卡號資訊也完全不會留存在吃茶三千資料庫,確保您的交易安全。
  • 5.訂購商品後需幾天的時間才可以收到商品呢?

  • 6.使用哪家物流配送呢?

  • 7.如何查詢目前訂單的處理狀況?

  • 8.訂單成立後,是否可以取消、加訂、修改商品數量呢?

  • 9.如何計算『七天鑑賞期』



  • 10.我可以進行退換貨嗎?



    1. 台灣地區依照消費者保護法等相關法令之規定,吃茶三千提供會員享有七天鑑賞猶豫期的權益(請留意,鑑賞期非試用期,若您收到商品經檢視後有任何不合意之處,請勿拆開使用,並立即依照退貨規定辦理退貨。若您購賣之商品為食品類商品,請勿拆開包裝,一經拆封讓包裝內食品接觸空氣,吃茶三千將拒絕進行退換貨。)。若要辦理退換貨,請務必貨到7天內聯絡吃茶三千客服人員並提供購買單號辦理退貨事宜(退回商品必須是全新狀態且保持完整包裝)


    1. 退換貨標準:
      1. 若您收到實際商品經檢視後,發現與原訂購商品不符、商品變質或外觀破損有瑕疵,請勿拆開使用,並於收到商品七日之內(含假日),聯絡吃茶三千客服人員進行退換貨服務。如因個人喜好或非商品瑕疵因素提出退換貨要求,消費者須負擔退換貨之宅配運費,所以請先確認你喜歡的茶品風味與商品外關特性再進行購買動作。
      2. 茶葉屬於食品類商品,考量到衛生因素,您所退回的商品須為未經使用過之完整新品,並請保持商品本身、與其附件、贈品、發票…等所有附隨資料的完整性,並請您以送貨使用之原包裝紙箱將退貨商品包裝妥當,若原紙箱已遺失,請另使用其他紙箱包覆於商品原廠包裝之外,切勿直接於原廠包裝上黏貼紙張或書寫文字。若您購賣之商品為食品類商品,請勿拆開包裝,一經拆封讓包裝內食品接觸空氣,吃茶三千將有權拒絕退換貨。
      3. 目前辦理換貨僅能針對同一項商品更換,無法將商品 A 換為商品 B。若您欲換成其他品項或尺寸,請先辦理原商品退款,再重新訂購您所需要的商品。換貨並請告知欲交換之等值商品。(若換貨商品超過原商品金額,請支付差價即可;本公司當期活動資格、團購或免運費條件仍然適用,購買人則需支付來回之一趟宅配運費。)
      4. 若欲退貨的商品,是參加任選活動而組套出售的促銷商品(如任選 X 盒 XX 元的活動),不可單品退貨,需將套組商品一併退回。
      5. 辦理退換貨時,除了瑕疵商品外,若商品有下列情形者,可能會被認定為已逾越檢查商品之必要程度,而將影響退貨權利的行使或需負擔毀壞之費用:
        • 已拆封(即除運送用之包裝外一切包裝、包括但不限於瓶蓋、封口、封膜等接觸商品內容之包裝部分)。若您購賣之商品為食品類商品,請勿拆開包裝,一經拆封讓包裝內食品接觸空氣,吃茶三千將有權拒絕退換貨。
        • 已非全新狀態 (外觀不得有刮傷、破損、受潮…等)。
        • 沒有完整包裝(商品、附件、原廠外盒、保護袋、配件紙箱、保麗龍、隨貨文件、贈品等)。
        • 有不可清除的髒污或痕跡。
    2. 收到您的退貨商品及發票確認無誤後,我們會於7 個工作天內退款給您。
      • 信用卡付款:須等信用卡公司月底入帳後,才能將款項退回給您,若已向銀行完成請款動作,我們會直接將款項刷退至您購物時所使用的的信用卡帳戶,退還款項將顯示於下期信用卡帳單中,你也可於信用卡發卡銀行端查詢。
      • 其他付費方式:我們會將退還款項匯入至您所指定的帳戶資料。申請退貨時,也請您同時提供下列資料:
        • 銀行(如第一銀行)
        • 分行別(如忠孝分行)
        • 帳號
        • 戶名
    3. 會員訂購後若大量退換貨,由於已造成作業上之困擾,吃茶三千可能會視情況對該會員採取拒絕交易或永久取消其會員資格辦理。
    4. 如需取消訂單,請即時來電聯繫;如訂購商品已經寄出,請自付運費辦理退貨
    5. 吃茶三千所有茶品在正常保存條件下都可保存兩年,但我們仍然建議你您在拆封後儘速飲用或妥善保存,以享受產品最佳狀態。
  • 11.​如何更改訂購單上配送人資料?

  • 12.忘記密碼該怎麼辦?

    二、再點選「忘記密碼」 並輸入註冊會員的電子郵件即可。

    ✪ 貼心提醒:系統即會自動將密碼重設通知寄至您預設的Email信箱中,請您收取郵件並依照指示進行密碼重設 ✪

    ✪ 如果沒有收到信,可以聯繫吃茶三千為您確認是否Email有誤喔 ✪ 

  • 13.該如何加入會員?



    ✪ 貼心提醒:請務必填寫正確的基本個人資料,以免影響往後之會員權益 ✪


  • 14.How do I become a partner of CHI CHA San Chen?

    Thank you very much for your support and interest in the CHI CHA San Chen brand. We hope to collaborate with partners around the world and promote the CHI CHA San Chen brand to the global market. In order to provide you with further information, please fill out the "Master Franchise Application" online and our staff will contact you.
  • 15.What is the difference between master franchise and sublicense?

    By taking company operation and market development strategy into consideration, the management model of CHI CHA San Chen is "master franchise".
    *Master Franchise: Based on the unit of country/city/region, the master franchise must have its own management team and open a certain number of stores in the franchise area and communicate with the headquarter directly.
    *Sublicense: Based on the unit of store, this is suitable for partners with no experience but who wish to start their own businesses and the main contact person is master franchise of the area. 
  • 16.What is the method and duration of the master franchise?

    Master Franchise is discussed per country/city/region via the "sole franchise approach". The franchise period is "five to eight years".
  • 17.Investment reserves required items?

    The initial capital includes the franchise fee, the cost of the store site, the decoration of the first store, the equipment and raw materials of the first store, and the operation cost of the master franchise.
  • 18.Qualification of master franchise?

    Master franchise qualification,
    1. Be aligned with the management philosophy of CHI CHA San Chen.
    2. Must possess high level of enthusiasm towards the catering industry, with previous restaurant experience preferred.
    3. Possess management skills.
    4. Possess an in-house management team (marketing, operation, finance etc.)
    5. Knowledge with managing the region and familiar with competitive brands.
    6. Possess take the store sites ability.
  • 19.After I submit the master franchise application, how long will I wait before someone contacts me?

    After submitting the complete master franchise application, the preliminary assessment takes about 3-5 working days, after which our staff will contact you.
  • 20.What is the franchise fee for xx region?

    CHI CHA San Chen headquarter will conduct assessment based on the economic development level and average per capita consumption of the region, thereby setting the franchise fee for each region.
    Please fill out the "Master Franchise Application" and visit the conceptual store in Taichung, Taiwan after preliminary distributor qualification assessment, we will start the quotation process.
  • 21.Who can I contact to discuss master franchise?

    All of master franchise affairs are centrally discussed by the  headquarter in Taichung, Taiwan, please fill in the "Master Franchisee Application" online and our staff will reply to you as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact the foreign affairs department in Taichung, Taiwan headquarter at
  • 22.Raw materials supply and procurement?

    CHI CHA San Chen insists on providing the best tea beverages with the following principles: *Insist on using only the highest-quality & natural ingredients *Insist on food hygiene & safety *Insist on providing fresh and brewing products to customers. In order to maintain the quality and consistency of store products, all partners must purchase the key equipment and raw materials from our headquarter. Under the prerequisite that quality and texture remain unchanged, part of the milk and agricultural products and non-technical equipment and raw materials may be purchased locally after confirmation is made with our professional R&D team.
  • 23.How to get the master franchise ? (如何取得代理)

    The process of master franchise (代理流程) :

    1. Provide Business Proposal (提供展店計劃書)

    2. Franchise Condition Discussion (洽談代理條件)

    3. Sign MOU (簽署合作備忘錄)

    4. Sign the Official Master Franchise Agreement (簽署正式代理合約)